Anti3D Main

What is Anti3D?
Anti3D is the name given by the owner of this server to a number of public and private game servers and live streamed events. We mostly play on Kaillera here.

Why is Anti3D?
Anti3D servers exist for the enjoyment of the owner and the general public. The page as been restored mostly to celebrate and encapsule a valuable piece of early Internet gaming history. You can find the full archive of the original site here.

Where is Anti3D? was hosted at 1&1 Web Hosting in New York, USA. It was a dedicated Intel Celeron 2 running Linux Fedora Core. You could get your own affordable dedicated server like this one from 1& Nowadays, the Anti3D site and servers are hosted by Remz Domain

Who is Anti3D? was originally owned and operated by Paul Cowan "Moosehead"
AIM: moosehead123123 / Email: [email protected]
This Anti3D site is now operated by Remz and can be contacted here

How much is Anti3D?
Anti3D currently operates all free game servers and events.